Unblock It is a wood-block puzzle game. Unlike many wood-block games, it doesn't require a player to create rows and columns with blocks. Instead, the player must attempt to move a single colored block (i.e., blue, orange, et cetera) past other long and short blocks in the way and then through a hole on the right side of the playfield.
The game features 24 levels of play. Each level features a wall made of wood boards and a square, carved-out area that holds the blocks. The player must slide the blocks lengthwise in different directions to open up a path for the colored block. In some ways, this game is similar to sliding tile games. Every time the player slides a block, they create an opportunity to slide one or more blocks into a different position. With some levels, they must slide the colored block backwards to reposition blocks in front of it and the hole.
Unblock It provides the player with several useful tools. They can reload the level without a penalty. They can select a lightbulb hint button to prompt the game to show them the correct moves to make to unblock the colored block. With the hint tool, the game even displays arrows to show the correct directions to slide the blocks.
If the player does well, they win three gold stars and unlock the next level.