Puzzle Reign is a puzzle game where players must use their brains to solve puzzles. These puzzles, which are generated by the computer, contain various shapes and figures. The players' goal in each level of Puzzle Reign is to find a way to arrange these shapes so they form one continuous line without any gaps or overlaps. If they do this correctly for all of the episodes' levels, they will be victorious!
The game starts easy enough with only one shape per level but soon becomes more complicated when multiple shapes are on the board at once. One hundred episodes span different difficulty levels and time periods throughout history - from ancient Egypt to modern-day America! Each episode has 50 levels, so there's a lot of content waiting to be played! A player must tap the shapes and draw lines from one shape to another to solve each level. The line will cover all connected matching-colored shapes when completed correctly. If any part of their line intersects with a non-matching colored shape, then they have made a mistake and will have to start over from the beginning. In addition to using their brainpower, Puzzle Reign has another feature available as well! In each level of this game, three stars can be earned. These stars come in various colors that correspond with different achievements, such as finishing the level with minimal moves or covering all shapes without any mistakes. Earning these stars will also help the players unlock new colors to use in their lines!
The game puzzle reign is a unique and fun way to exercise the players' brains. Puzzle games are not only enjoyable, but they can also be quite challenging. If players are looking for a new mental challenge that will keep them on their toes, this may be the perfect game!