Royal Jigsaw is a jigsaw puzzle game that features fantasy renovation elements. Princess Diana and her dog, Hugo, want to move into a new castle, but the princess needs the player's help to design one that's the best for the entire kingdom. The only way they can perform the tasks given to them by Diana and place items in areas of the new castle is by using gold stars as currency. They earn the stars by completing jigsaw puzzles.
The game requires the player to use energy points to purchase access to the puzzles. They can track the number of points they have at any time at the upper-left corner of the home screen.
Once the player accesses a puzzle work zone, they drag and drop puzzle pieces into place, starting with the border or edge pieces. When they complete the puzzle, they finish the level and receive gold crown coins and one or more stars. They then use the calendar near the upper-right corner of the home screen to buy and place the next item in a specific area.
Royal Jigsaw also features booster-style tools. For example, the player can use a magnet to automatically place one puzzle piece accurately. They can use a striped rocket to prompt the game to place multiple random pieces automatically. The game even offers striped round bombs that cause explosions that place pieces.