Pinball Brick Mania is a brick-breaking game with pinball elements. The player's goal is to earn as many points as possible before bricks on a playfield designed to look like a vertical hanging pinball table against a star-filled background float to the top of the table.
The bricks appear as geometric shapes (i.e., circles, triangles, squares, pentagons and hexagons) labeled with different numbers. The player hits them with one or more white balls that they shoot from the top-center of the table. When a ball hits a brick, the number on the brick decreases by one, and the player's points increase at the top of the screen. A ball can bounce against bricks, other balls and walls.
Pinball Brick Mania challenges the player by sliding the bricks up slightly toward the top of the field after each shot. The player can counter this movement by acquiring as many balls as possible to destroy the most bricks with one shot. They can also angle a shot to make one or more balls bounce around side-to-side rather than up and down to guarantee that the ball or balls hit more than one brick before dropping to the bottom of the field.