Rotris is a block puzzle game similar to classic Tetris that takes the rotational aspect from that game and adds some new twists. In a jungle and temple setting, the player attempts to complete tasks, such as earning a specific number of points, by creating 3x3 (9-square) blocks made of polyomino shapes. The shapes fall from above the playfield in the same way as with the classic game. That said, the player must create the blocks on a central gray block that rotates.
The player can rotate the shapes. They can also rotate the center block to use all four sides of it as construction surfaces. If the player attempts to place a shape too far from a surface, the game also rotates the center block automatically. The player must have excellent logic and hand-eye coordination skills to place each shape with enough precision to build 3x3 blocks on the four sides of the center block.
Rotris also offers the player the option to swap upcoming shapes in a preview pane on the right side of the screen. With this tool, the player can more easily find and place shapes on the center block that help them build 3x3 blocks faster.
When the player does well with these tasks, the game posts their details in leaderboard areas. The game tracks their details for today, the previous week, the previous month and all time.