Master Pyramid is a Pyramid Solitaire card game. The player's goal is to master the play format by attempting to remove all cards layered in the shape of a pyramid from the table within the fastest time and fewest moves. The game makes the task incredibly difficult for any player to complete in under a minute or 40 moves.
As with most Pyramid Solitaire games, the player starts by removing cards from the bottom row that have a single or combined face value of 13. The K card is always equal to 13, which means the player can remove a standalone K at any time without pairing it with another card. The player must remove all other cards as part of a pair of either two cards from the pyramid or one card from the pyramid and one from the unlimited draw pile at the top-left corner (Q+A, J+2, 10+3, 9+4, 8+5, and 7+6).
Since part of the game relies on the luck of the draw, Master Pyramid supplies the player with an Undo button to correct their last card selection and a Hint button to show them a 13-value standalone card or pair of cards. As with other games in this Master series of online card games, the player can also use a New Game button to start again. Additionally, the game offers a Skins button to allow the player to enjoy the most comfortable gameplay by switching the card fronts and backs to a preferred design.