Ball Blast is a shooting game that requires a player to reposition a gray cannon on black wheels skillfully, rapidly and repeatedly to prevent it from being destroyed by falling boulders. When handled correctly, the cannon fires at just the right moments to crack and blow apart the rocks with balls. When the player fails, the cannon becomes crushed by the rocks.
The player starts in a valley below green hills near tall, blue-and-gray mountains. They blow apart smaller numbered rocks of various colors with short cannon blasts. Larger rocks offer greater challenges. These rocks require multiple hits to break.
Although it might seem like the game is impossible to win, the player can meet the challenge by using timing and hand-eye coordination to their advantage. For example, they can crack rocks with less difficulty if they wait to shoot until the rocks hang at the highest point in the air during an initial fall or bounce. If they wait until the rocks are falling to start shooting, they're less likely to have enough time to move their cannon.
When the player does well, they receive their score on the main screen as a number of achievements next to an orange crown icon or as a best score.