Stack Colors, a running game, tasks a player with helping a baby collect colored tiles with a tool that looks like a dust pan. The player must collect as many tiles as possible in a tall, vertical stack to receive the highest score.
The player can only collect tiles that match the color of the baby and tool. Like similar games, the color of both changes when they run through a gate of a different color. If they collect tiles of the correct color, they charge a battery on the left side of the screen that powers a transformation to the tool. When this happens, the tool widens horizontally to make tile-collection easier. If they collect the wrong tiles, the baby's run slows, the battery loses power and the stack shrinks. The baby also loses tiles or dies if they hit any structures made of concrete.
Stack Colors rewards the player at the end of the run with a long multiplier section of track. The baby kicks the entire stack into this area. The force of the kick and the distance the tiles slide depend entirely on the player's ability to charge a separate power bar just before the baby reaches the area.