Pet Salon 2 is the second installment of the fun, pet-themed, educational simulation series. Over the course of several in-game days, the player receives opportunities to learn how to groom two pets that have hygiene and health problems using a variety of realistic tools.�
Depending on the day, the player treats either their cat or dog. They might need to rinse away dirt from fur with a sprayer, apply a drop of soap to a bath sponge and scrub the fur, use a blow dryer to dry the fur, grasp moving ticks with tweezers, trim ear hair with a snipping tool, or remove clods and knots of dirt and fur with a trimmer. With a sick pet, they might need to use a stethoscope, thermometer and syringe to treat the symptoms.�
At the end of the grooming treatment, the player dresses their pet with headwear, sunglasses, a bow tie or an outfit. Although some of the items are free to access, the player needs to watch ads to access every item.
Pet Salon 2 allows the player to then take an on-screen snapshot of the pet. It automatically adds the photo to a ring album and rewards the player with an extra life to use to play other days of the game.