Good Yard is a gardening and flower sales simulation game with click-tap incremental elements. The player receives a garden plot that contains a grid of 25 blocks of soil and plants. Their goals are to grow flowers in the garden to sell to customers and use the money that they make from the sales to upgrade their garden's size, their gardening tools and their flowers. The game also offers a special unlockable gift that the player can discover.
All of the gardening actions involve clicking or tapping the grid soil blocks. The player starts by selecting a soil block to prompt the game to automatically remove wild plants and weeds with a trowel or shovel. They then continue to select the blocks to prompt the game to add seeds from seed packets, water the plots with a watering can, and harvest the flowers with garden shears and a handheld woven basket.
When the player harvests the flowers, they receive gold coins. They then use their coins in an upgrade area to the left of the garden to receive additional trowels or unlock more areas of the garden. It's important to note that the player might need to grow and sell flowers several times before they can perform new upgrades.
Good Yard isn't a fast game with a lot of options to interact directly with tools. It requires the player to interact with the soil blocks to perform every action except upgrades.