Chess Classic is a virtual board game that simulates classic chess online. The player's goal is to win the game against either an AI or another player on the same device. The player attempts to move their pieces strategically to capture their opponent's King and make it impossible for the King to escape (i.e., checkmate).
The player can select up to six difficulty levels, with six being the most difficult option. They can also turn on an guide that shows them the moves they can make with any piece at a specific time during the game. Once they've selected these options, they can also choose one of several artistic colors and designs for the board and graphics for the pieces. For example, they receive access to wood grain and stone checkered pattern options for the board and whole traditional pieces in different shapes and symbols for the pieces.
Chess Classic starts a game with the player's pieces along the bottom edge of the screen. The player typically plays the white pieces. In two-player mode, player one plays white, and player two plays black. In both modes, the game gives the main player a vertical tray on the left side of the board to place captured pieces. The right vertical tray belongs to their opponent.
Unlike many similar games, the player can learn from their mistakes with an unlimited undo button. They can use it to undo their moves and those of the AI.