Water Sort Puzzle is a logic-puzzle sorting game. The player must move layers of colored liquid bands in laboratory-style test tubes around until one solid-colored liquid fills each container.
The player can only move one of the colored bands from a test tube to another at a time. The game gives them two transfer options. They can sort the liquid into an empty container or pour it on top of a band in a semi-filled container with a top band of the same color. The player can only transfer matching colors into test tubes that already contain liquid.
Water Sort Puzzle allows the player to undo a move up to five times per level. Unlike similar games, it doesn't otherwise penalize the player or force them to watch an ad. Even better, if the player becomes stuck and runs out of moves, they can just reload the level entirely. On some levels, they can also add an extra empty test tube to the playfield for free.
The game doesn't reward the player until they've separated all bands of liquid into single, solid-colored containers. When this happens, confetti particles briefly pop onto the screen.