Rope Help is a casual, logic-puzzle platformer. A player helps characters slide from one floating land mass to another in a rollercoaster-style fashion (down, loop-de-loop and up) on a rope. On each level, the player pulls a golden handle to reveal the rope. They must affix the handle to a gold ball atop a fence post on the other platform. The second land mass also features a sign that displays the number of characters the player must help reach the platform safely.
The space between the platforms contains non-threatening objects and deadly obstacles, including geometric shapes, spinning spike wheels, floating spike bombs and electrical lines. The player uses the rope, non-threatening objects and perfect timing to direct characters away from obstacles. That said, they might need to sacrifice a character to achieve their goals. For example, they might need to allow a character to slide into a bomb to remove the threat to the other characters.
The player receives gemstones when they win a level. They use this currency to randomly unlock new characters, such as superheroes, people dressed in animal costumes, and grouchy men and women.
Rope Help also features bonus levels with floating rubies. The player must wrap the rope around all the objects one or more times to help a character slide through as many gems as possible.