Pop Adventure is a bubble-popping game. The player clears bubbles from playfields across levels. Their goals are to complete missions, earn the most points possible with the fewest possible moves, and acquire up to three stars per level.
The game pulls a hanging pattern of bubbles up the screen from the bottom to give the player an opportunity to see the layout of the bubble groups by color and other objects and form one or more strategies. Beyond clearing bubbles, the player might need to rescue an animal, collect gems encased in bubbles, or remove other objects from the field.�
The player must form a cluster of three or more identical bubbles using two swappable bubble projectiles, a color-matched ring shooter, and a dotted aiming line with a white-outlined targeting bubble. They receive access to special tools and boosters, including radiance orbs that explode multi-colored clusters, burning bubbles that burn adjacent bubbles, and flame orbs that laser cut through multicolored bubbles. They charge boosters before usage by completing streaks. The game then proclaims "Bubble Pop!" and rewards points for the remaining projectiles.
Pop Adventure offers the player many opportunities to earn extra coins and boosters. They can access a daily reward, participate in events, play a lucky spin wheel, open treasure chests, and watch ads. They must sometimes first collect a specific number of coins or stars before they can win a prize.�
The player can track the score in the upper-left area, star progress in the upper-center area, and the remaining bubbles at any time in the upper-right area.