Pipes: The Puzzle is a connect-style puzzle game that requires a player to make logical decisions within a certain number of moves. The game displays a side view of a city above an underground area containing sections of disconnected pipes and an aquifer. The player must connect the pipes to create a clean-water transportation system.
The player can turn each pipe four times to a different direction. The game changes the number of moves that they can make per level. They must look at the layout of the sections and find the right positions for the ones that complete a path of pipe leading from the water to the city.
It's important to note that the player won't use every section of pipe. They also can't reposition certain colored pipes, such as white ones, and might need to create one or more loops of pipe to move the water. The game allows them to use a hint tool to reveal all the sections that they need to use to complete the pipe system. That said, they only receive three hints. They must then watch advertisements to receive extra ones. They can also watch ads to receive extra moves.
Pipes: The Puzzle features a ranking system that's represented by a horizontal progression bar near the water. When the player completes a certain number of levels, their rank changes, a smiley face appears, and they receive extra hints.