Jump The Wall is a running game that challenges the player to win races against AI-controlled characters. The player doesn't control their avatar's run. They make the character jump over walls and other objects in its path on the racecourse. They might direct it to jump over a brick wall or rolling spiny cacti or through windows in a wall.
The player controls the jumps using their mouse, trackpad or touchscreen controls and a dashed targeting line that slides up and down rapidly while the character runs. They must release the controls at precisely the right moment to allow the character to jump at the exact height to clear an obstacle. If they fail, the avatar hits the object and loses a few seconds of time in the race, which gives the other characters an advantage.
Jump The Wall also offers boosters in floating boxes marked with question marks. When the player directs the avatar to jump through one, the character might suddenly have a shield to protect it temporarily from harm or the ability to dash or use a jetpack to speed down the track.
The player earns coins even if they make third place in a race. They also earn money by using a multiplier, watching an advertisement, and claiming a daily gift. They use the coins money to upgrade their character to one of eight other options. That said, the player can't advance to the next level of the game unless they win first place in a race.