Cartoon Moto Stunt is a racing and sports game in which the player races motorcycles across 24 desert, bridge and port locales. They also attempt to earn enough gold coins as winnings or by watching ads to upgrade the motorcycle.
The game gives the player four motorcycle options (i.e., Naked Moto, Sport Moto, Police Moto and Super Sport Moto). They start with the base, Naked Moto. They need tens of thousands of coins to upgrade from it to one of the other models. They can also upgrade three areas for each bike (i.e., speed, flip power and wheelie) for 3,500 coins per upgrade. The game also allows them to use up to four skins per bike for 5,000 coins per skin.
Once the player starts a race, they merely need to reach a specific goal, such as matching or doing better than a target time or crossing a finish line. On the race track, they also receive opportunities to collect coins by leaping or driving a bike through floating coins and performing stunts. The player can track their speed at the lower-right corner. They can also use coins to refill their motorcycle's nitro tank.
Cartoon Moto Stunt is a heart-pounding thrill ride for both casual players and adrenaline junkies. That said, any time the player wants to stop for a moment, they can keep the coins they collected up to that point during a race and return to the garage. If they fail, they can also restart a race from the last saved checkpoint.