Amsterdam Car Parking is a semi-realistic parking game that features three-dimensional city and vehicle graphics. The game explores 10 street and lot parking areas that the player must navigate successfully with different types of vehicles.
The player receives a base vehicle. They can unlock and buy additional vehicles over time with the completion of difficult driving and parking tests set up like obstacle courses with objects that they might accidentally bump into when parking in a city. For example, they might need to deal with other vehicles, black-and-yellow barriers, orange-and-white cones and white-and-ed crossing arms. The tests also feature general objects like wooden boxes. The player can use a camera tool at the top right corner of the screen to help them better see obstacles (back and top views).
The parking space during each test is marked with a yellow border and a floating, downward-pointing yellow arrow. To reach it, the player must navigate the obstacles and reach checkpoints. If they hit something, they must start over from either the beginning of the obstacle course or a checkpoint. If they park in the space successfully, the yellow border switches to green. The screen also fills with a burst of stars. The player then receives up to three separate achievement stars and cash.