It is a mahjong game that is developed in a fictional world. The game is played by two players, each with five equipment tiles and three money tiles. The game aims to discard your tiles one at a time by matching four different things. If players can't discard their tile, they lose one point from their score. The player who scores more minor points loses the game. The final score is calculated from the number of points a player has gained during the play period plus any bonuses awarded for completing specific objectives.
The controls in this game use many different colors. The colors of control buttons on the screen will vary depending on what is being controlled by them. For example, when a button is used to move a mahjong tile, its color will turn yellow, while if it is used to select an item, its color will turn blue. When a button is pressed, it changes from its original color to orange or red depending on where it's being pressed and what's controlling it. When a button is not being pressed and not being controlled by anything, its color will be white.
To start a game, each player chooses their seat. The player who goes first is chosen at random by the computer. Each player will be given five equipment tiles and three money tiles. Players will also see a screen showing their score and the goals for the game's winning.
This innovative mahjong game uses the theme of fishing and boating. The idea of this game is to create a fun atmosphere by incorporating the theme of fishing and boating. I came up with this game because I had never seen mahjong games based on such themes. It was also a way for me to learn about programming that uses the techniques associated with making computer games.