Barbie MakeOver Studio is a makeover game that places the player in a realistic salon studio where they can update the looks of Barbie and her friends. The player's only task is to make each young woman look fabulous!
The player starts by picking one of the four friends (Barbie, Madison, Chelsea or Nolee). They then visit the Hair Salon to select a hair style, hair color, streaks and a barrette for their chosen model. They access these options by opening drawers for each category. If the player doesn't like a selection, they merely need to use the Remove sign.
After completing the hair part of the visit, the player moves on to the Makeup Counter and updates the model's blush, eye shadow, mascara, contact lenses and lipstick. The game offers different lash wands and colors. It also provides glossy and matte lipsticks in three colors. Lastly, the player visits the Jewelry Boutique and selects a pair of earrings, a necklace, face jewels and glasses.
Barbie MakeOver Studio then presents the player with before and after instant photos. They can even print the results to serve as a future beauty makeover guide. The game supplies them with an on-screen print button. The player can also save a copy of the final look they created with their device's print screen or snip tool to print later.
After the player completes one makeover, they can return to the main screen and try a different look with the same friend or a different one.