Gin Rummy is an online version of the card game of the same name. The player and an opponent attempt to reach a score of 100 during turn-based play by forming combination sets of cards made of three or more cards of the same type no matter the suit (i.e., 9, 9 and 9 or J, J and J) or in ascending, suit-matched order (i.e., Q, J and K of hearts or 7, 8 and 9 of diamonds).
The player receives 10 cards along the bottom of the screen in front of a round green baize and wood-framed virtual card table. The player's opponent receives ten cards along the top. The game presents the draw pile, Pass button and waste pile at the center of the screen.
Each player attempts to arrange their 10 cards into the sets. The player can select a draw-pile or waste-pile card during their turn to add to their cards. If they select something instead of passing, they must discard one of the cards in their hand. The game doesn't use jokers or allow sets that include both an Ace (A) and a King (K). The player can only create an A, 2 and 3 set.
Cards that the player can't combine are referred to as deadwood. When the value of those cards drops below 10 points, the player can perform a Knock and fold their hand. Either player can win based on the difference between the values of each player's deadwood. The player can choose to not Knock and play as long as possible to attempt to combine all 10 cards or achieve Gin.
If the player who declares Knock wins, they receive a score that's the difference between the values of the non-melded cards. If their opponent wins, it's the difference plus 10 points. The player who declares Gin wins the value of their opponent's unmatched cards and 20 points.
Gin Rummy helps the player rearrange their cards by providing a button labeled with four suits that moves the cards automatically. The game also tells the player when they have an opportunity to perform a Knock.