Bob the Robber 4: Season 1 - France, also known as Bob the Robber 4.1, is one-third of the fourth installment of the Bob the Robber arcade platformer series. Bob's mission for the government gave him a taste for adventure and high-stakes crime in foreign countries. He's decided to try out his skills and test his luck in France first.
Unlike the previous games, Bob's intentions don't seem entirely pure. He also must stay one step ahead of a chief investigative detective who appears if the player ever fails to beat an alarm timer. The detective can track Bob across several countries.
The player's goal is to help Bob successfully complete each part of his crime spree through residences and commercial areas. They must direct him to hide from cameras by standing still; find stacks of banknotes and valuable objects hidden in furniture and other places; unlock various types of security systems; disable alarms; and knock out or stun various people.
As with the second game, Bob the Robber 4.1 allows the player to buy gadgets for Bob to make it easier for him to commit thefts, such as a multi-tool lockpick and an instant camera that deactivates the security cameras. The game also gives the player the opportunity to buy Bob new outfits and collect items that represent his travels to place in a trophy case.