Remember the good old days of simple gaming where Mario or Sonic moved across the screen and jumped to get past obstacles to finish the level? Ever been bored waiting to pick up your kids, or sitting in a waiting room while they get checked up by their pediatrician? Or are you one of those too-cool-for-school kids who are into retro gaming and find Nintendo or Sega emulators online to play the tried and true classics? So many wonderful games have evolved from that same basic concept: the star of the game races to the end to find the proverbial pot of gold.
Well, Bubbleshooter's new online game may be the perfect distraction for you. AdventNEON is a classic, arcade-style game featuring a superhero that bears a resemblance to Sonic the Hedgehog but fights like Ryu from streetfighter. It combines the whimsy of Super Mario with bright backgrounds and elements in the environment to interact with to get health or rewards, and also potential damage to the character. Computer-generated opponents pop up unexpectedly throughout the different levels, and there are a few different options to attack and defeat the characters and continue on with the rest of the quest.
The game brings back memories of Saturday afternoons at the arcade with a roll of quarters, when gameplay was easy, straightforward, but also complex and engaging, trying to determine strategy in a colorful 8-bit world, a brief distraction from our troubles and cares.