Bob the Robber 3 brings the burglar with a heart back to fight crime with crime in the third installment of the popular arcade puzzle platformer series. The Top Secret Service needs Bob's help retrieving documents from a mad scientist's laboratory. Bob must parachute into a foreign locale and sneak through the various levels of the base to complete his mission.
As with the other games in the series, the player directs Bob's actions. They must make him stand still in the shadows to hide from cameras and gun-toting special guards; knock out regular guards and scientists from behind; cut wires to shut off security systems; find useful gadgets and codes on computers; unlock padlocks and electronically locked doors; hide knocked-out people behind large cardboard boxes; and discover the locations of the top-secret documents.
Bob the Robber 3 doesn't feature a money acquisition system. It also doesn't offer a gadget-buying option. Zombies don't exist. Instead, everything happens on various levels in separate areas of the facility. Additionally, linen-wrapped mummies take the place of zombies. Like the standard guards and scientists, the player must direct Bob to hit them from behind. Also, Bob's initial training takes place in the first facility area rather than in his home or personal training warehouse.