Bob the Robber 2 is the next installment of the popular Bob the Robber arcade-style puzzle platformer series. Bob thought he had performed well enough to take a break from robbing criminals to give back to the community, but an article in the local newspaper alerts him to a new threat to his hometown. A greedy CEO of a pharmaceutical company has unleashed zombies on the city! Bob must use his burglary skills to steal from wealthy crooks on his way to the company and its facilities to stop the threat.
The player helps Bob sneak through various buildings, including his larger home and training warehouse, criminal residences, the prison, the pharmaceutical research facility, a warehouse and even a hidden lab under the city's main square. They must direct him to hide in the shadows from security cameras, dogs, guards and zombies; knock out some dogs and guards; review instruction notes; disable some cameras and laser barriers; and unlock doors.
Bob the Robber 2 provides new play options. When the player directs Bob to turn off security cameras using a connected panel, they must play a cut-the-wire minigame. They must also align mechanisms to open padlock shanks.
The game also allows the player to equip three gadgets that they buy using their coins. They can purchase a multi-tooled pocket knife that helps open locks more quickly, an energy drink that makes Bob temporarily faster, an instant flash camera that deactivates security cameras, a stun gun to use on guards, and an invisibility masking spray. They can equip three different or the same ones at a time.