Bob The Robber Games free
Play the best Bob The Robber games for free. We have collected the most popular Bob The Robber games for you to play on our website. They include new and top Bob The Robber games such as Bob The Robber, Bob The Robber 5, Bob The Robber 3, Bob The Robber 4 3, Bob The Robber 2, . Choose a Bob The Robber game from the list and you can play online on your mobile or computer for free.
In Bob the Robber games, Bob is a thief who supposedly steals to bring justice to criminals, mostly among the ultrawealthy, and give the loot to the needy members of his community. The idea of a robber who steals from the rich to help the poor isn't a new one. During the late Middle Ages through the early Renaissance, a similar story became popular in England. Robin Hood, a nobleman's son and "heroic outlaw," supposedly stole from the upper class to save the lives of members of the working class and poor. In Bob the Robber games, Bob grew up believing this folktale. He chose to mimic this figure and learn modern burglary techniques.
Bob isn't alone in his feelings about Robin Hood. Many people connect the story to their personal lives because of wealth inequality and the differences between freedoms granted to the wealthy versus the poor. Yet, it's important to note that Bob doesn't always do the right thing or steal for the good of others. He also doesn't hesitate to use violence during his crime sprees or steal valuable cultural artifacts. As a result, governments in the series attempt to prevent him from committing crimes. The police are also in pursuit of him. In later games, an European investigator even decides to chase Bob across country borders.
Game Play
Bob the Robber games are arcade-style strategy platformers with dungeon crawl elements. Gameplay starts with Bob deciding to burglarize residential and commercial buildings to help his community or enjoy a challenge. In one game, he uses his skills to reveal corrupt politicians. In another, he helps stop a zombie apocalypse. The games end with Bob, via the player, saving the day or escaping justice.Each game usually contains a basic training area designed to teach the player how to perform various actions. The player can direct Bob to walk left and right, use stairways and elevators, read notes, collect money and valuables, knock down a person or a deadly object, unlock doors, and hide from or disable security systems. Bob often faces security attack dogs, guards with different levels of experience, and scientists. He must sometimes deal with monsters as well, including mummies and zombies.
The player helps Bob by using different strategies to solve puzzles. They receive a wide range of free or freemium gadgets to help them, including a lockpick with multiple tools, a taser that stuns guards carrying guns, an instant camera that breaks security cameras, and an umbrella that creates a hiding place. As the player progresses through the series, they can eventually outfit Bob with costumes and valuable loot that give him special abilities, such as making him faster or helping him find additional money. The player's primary goal is to help Bob commit crimes and make it out of each building or room until the end of the game. Additionally, they must collect specific objects, such as stacks of banknotes, top-secret documents or valuable collectibles.