Bob the Robber 4: Season 3 - Japan, or Bob the Robber 4.3, is the third part of the fourth installment of Kizi's popular strategy platformer series. Bob isn't finished yet with his world crime spree tour! He's headed to Japan. Yet his reputation has grown around the world, and the people of Japan believe that they're ready for him.
The player helps Bob burglarize residential and commercial properties in search of loot. They direct him through every step of his plans. They help him hide from cameras, guards, mummies and others behind doors and in the shadows; hit or stun opponents; knock out tripod gun turrets from behind; steal or acquire tools to crack any type of door lock; cut alarm wires in panels; shut down laser barriers; and search for money and property. The player via Bob must be careful! The French investigator is still searching for him.
Bob the Robber 4.3 continues to allow the player to purchase gadgets and costumes that can help Bob. Popular tools include a multi-tool lockpick, a stun gun, a separate taser, an advanced belt and night-vision goggles. The player can also help Bob equip an umbrella that makes it possible for him to carry a shadow to hide anywhere. Costume benefits include the ability to break locks easily and knock out a mummy while standing in front of it. The game continues to offer trophy benefits, including the ability to find more money and increase the alarm length.