Bob the Robber 4: Season 2 - Russia, also known as Bob the Robber 4.2, is the second part of the fourth installment of the popular series of arcade puzzle platformers. Bob has decided to continue his crime spree in Europe and nearby countries. This time, he has his eyes on money and treasure in a Russian seaport! The investigator is still on Bob's trail, but he isn't worried about being caught.
The player helps him yet again commit burglaries in a foreign nation. They assist him with hiding in the shadows and under security cameras; cutting wires to alarm systems; manipulating padlock mechanisms; finding daily keypad codes for electronic doors; stealing access cards from the pockets of scientists; and hunting down stacks of banknotes and valuable property.
Bob the Robber 4.2 introduces a new type of guard that Bob can't knock out. It also continues to offer a range of gadgets (i.e., a multi-tool lockpick, an instant camera and a stun gun), costumes and trophies. The game gives Bob new talents when the player collects costumes and trophies. For example, costumes help make Bob faster, give him the ability to knock out a mummy from the front, and make security codes shorter and locks easier to break. Trophies increase the length of the alarm timer, his ability to find more money stashes, and the mummy knockout timer.
The game also introduces gun turrets placed near doors in rooms. Since the turret is always watching, the player must make Bob strike it from behind.