Super Mario Bros.: Super Game Maker is a customizable version of the Super Mario Bros. side-scrolling platformer. The player can play using preset options or by making adjustments via five menus (i.e., Options, Controls, Mods!, Editor and Maps) below the playfield.
As with other versions of the game, the player's goal is to direct Mario or Luigi to collect coins, defeat enemies, and survive various challenges and traps. For example, they can still bump the character's head against a box to find coins and other tools. They can direct a character to jump, or long jump, onto platforms made of bricks, green pipes and other objects.
That said, this version offers so much more than basic play. With the Options menu, the player can adjust the volume, mute, speed, view mode, frame rate, touch controls and tilt controls. With the Control menu, they can select different keyboard keys to control various actions. On the Mods! menu, they can perform preset modifications, such as turning on a nighttime background, swapping the color palette, and making the character invincible. On the Editor menu, they can create custom levels by selecting the Start the Level Editor! option or uploading pre-existing editor files. Lastly, on the Maps menu, they can select premade worlds with unique features.
Super Mario Bros.: Super Game Maker's Level Editor makes creating new levels a snap! The player merely selects characters, items, solids and scenery features and then drags and drops them into place on a background. The game automates everything automatically or via manually selected macros.