Sudoku Art is a number-based logic-puzzle game that teaches the "art" of the game. The player attempts to fill columns and rows with numbers from 1 through 9 on a 9x9 board that contains 3x3 sub-grids in a non-repetitive way.�
The game initially presents a wooden background painted with bamboo stalks and a panda. Over time, the player can unlock other backgrounds and characters.�
The player starts by selecting their language. They use the gear at the upper-right area to access a settings screen. They then select the left or right arrows on the sides of a central flag and language plaque to select their language. Depending on a mode selection on the home screen, they play Daily Sudoku, Training or Random games.�
A board with a mix of empty spaces and pre-filled, unchangeable numbers appears on the screen. The player fills the empty spaces with reusable number tiles. They can select a space and number tile, drag a tile to a space, or select a space and enter the number with a computer keyboard.�
Sudoku Art offers many classic helpful tools. The player uses a pencil to add notes to cells, a light bulb to reveal hints, an eraser to undo moves, and a curved arrow to start over.�
The game rewards the player with coin points based on how quickly they solve a puzzle. It also tracks the number of puzzles solved, days in the game, and accumulated coins. The player receives extra rewards based on monthly achievements.