Roller Ball X: Bounce Ball is an arcade adventure game that serves as an unofficial installment of the popular Red Ball side-scrolling platform series. The player leads a red ball with white face stripes and marks on a dangerous journey through a country landscape filled with obstacles, enemies and deadly traps.
The player helps the red ball roll, bounce and leap along a pathway on the ground and up and across walls and tiers, floating stationary and moving soil and grass landmasses, wooden structures and waterways. They might need to help the ball navigate boats, bridges, flip paddles, waterwheels, platforms on swinging metal-link chains, spears that fall from the sky or pop up from crates, fences of sharpened logs, levers and buttons, and spherical and non-spherical fighters and boss-level leaders.
Roller Ball X: Bounce Ball gives the player an abundance of helpful tools, including boulders and crates that double as tiers and red toadstools that act like springboards. If the player is willing to watch advertisements, they can claim boosters and prizes from a daily reward center or a lucky spin wheel, such as an automatic coin collector magnet and extra lives. They can also watch ads to increase their winnings.
With enough coins or ad views, they can upgrade their ball to other types via Premium, Rescue and Coins tabs. They can unlock new skins in a specific order by watching ads and paying 1,000 coins per ball or randomly unlock new skins with at least 20,000 coins.