Nick Basketball Stars 2 is the second installment of the fun, competitive sports game series by Nickelodeon in which a player can enjoy pitting popular characters from Nick animated series, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Patrick, SpongeBob, Pink Ranger and Red Ranger, against each other in single- and multi-player basketball matches across three modes (Quick Match, Championship and All Stars) and easy, medium and hard difficulty levels.
The player starts by selecting an option from each of the three areas and their avatar. In Quick Match mode, they must score 21 points to win. In Championship mode, they must win six matches. In All Stars mode, they must win 3-Point Shootout, H.O.R.S.E. or Dunk Challenge matches of two, three or four players.
Nick Basketball Stars 2 features stats based on the characters the player uses during each match. The player can also unlock posters by performing a specific maneuver on the court, with two specific characters per poster. Lastly, they can earn achievements in various ways. For example, they can earn an achievement award if they win a championship, hit an opponent or get hit by one a specific number of times, unlock all posters, or win a match with a slam dunk.