CN (Cartoon Network) Ben 10: Penalty Power is a sports game based on the popular Ben 10 animated series. It features intense soccer penalty play that includes special power techniques used by characters from the series.
Ben Tennyson needs the player's help with fighting some of his many enemies after they take over a local soccer match. The player must win matches against five of the top enemies using five of Ben's alien fighter forms.
The player can pick any of the five forms from the start of the game. That said, they must play against Steam Smythe first and unlock the other four villains. In each match, the player's alien avatar makes penalty shots by kicking a soccer ball into a net and acts like a goalie to block shots by the enemy player.
Ben 10: Penalty Power gives the player 45 seconds to kick as many soccer balls as possible into the net. The player receives an unlimited number of balls. As a result, they don't need to worry about losing the game by running out of balls. When attempting to block shots, the player must anticipate the ball's direction before the enemy kicks it. The game requires the player to block goals for 45 seconds as well.
Each alien form has unique abilities. For example, as a goalkeeper, the player can direct Heatblast to fly and XLR8 to speed in a direction quickly.