Zumbly is a bubble-popping game that features snakes made of marbles that roll around a landscape toward evil-looking mouths of dark, dangerous tunnels in a jungle setting. The player must prevent the marbles from reaching the tunnels across more than a thousand levels.
The player uses different types of carved wooden masks as shooters. Each shooter contains two marble projectiles. The player can switch projectiles at any time to make more accurate shots by simply touching the top of a mask. They shoot the projectiles at two or more matching marbles. When they're successful, the game pops the marbles and assigns points next to a white trophy icon at the top of the screen.�
Zumbly doesn't allow the player to unlock new levels unless they pop every marble. When they succeed at popping some marbles on a track, the game typically closes any gaps in a snake by rolling the marbles backward. If this action forms a match of three or more marbles, then the matched marbles also pop.�
The game also offers special marbles that contain booster objects to enhance play, such as bomb and fire marbles that explode or burn through all marbles in a section, respectively. If the player uses a fire projectile when one or more sets of marbles are on parallel tracks, the booster can sometimes take out sections on both tracks.�