Power Rangers vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Ultimate Hero Clash 2 is a fighting game that offers quick Start Battle (All-In Battle), Arcade, VS Battle and Outlast modes.
The player selects one or more characters. It's important to note that the battles can include the allies of either the Power Rangers or the TMNT. Some modes allow the player to select the battle arena. Their options include an indoor training area, a rooftop in a city, an underground subway line, an outdoor park and a construction site.
With Start Battle, the fights are one-on-one between selected characters. When one character fails, a member of their team arrives to continue the battle. The team with the most players to survive by the end wins the fight. With Arcade, the player selects one character, and the game randomly selects an opponent and an arena. With VS Battle mode, the player selects their avatar, an opponent and an arena. With the Outlast! mode, they select an avatar and arena and fight against every member of the opposing team with the goal of outlasting everyone.
Power Rangers vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Ultimate Hero Clash 2 offers achievement awards for fighting on a rooftop, destroying a crate, winning a trophy in VS Battle mode and completing other tasks.