Click Battle, a defense game, tasks a player with defending a seaside kingdom against Viking raiders using tile-matching, tower-defense and other strategies. The game primarily requires the player to match two or more yellow, red, green and blue wizard tiles to create complex spells that attack the raiders. The spells are color-coded and include ice-based attacks from blue wizards and fire-based attacks from red ones.
The game allows the player to slow down the raiders by adding blue and red gem towers and other types of structures to the landscape in front of houses located just outside of the castle walls. The structures also serve a dual purpose. For example, towers increase attacks, HP and attack range. The houses increase the income.
If the player doesn't select wizards fast enough or selects only one wizard, they lose power toward the next attack. They must select adjacent matching tiles directly across from the enemy as quickly as possible. When they attack in this way, the wizards hit the raiders with the color-coded magic, and the raiders lose health points or die. It's important to note that they don't need to select groups of matching wizards on the front line near the wall. They can select groups anywhere.
Click Battle features wave attacks on days of the week that the player unlocks by defeating the waves on a specific day. For example, the player unlocks Day 2 if they defeat all three waves on Day 1. Between attacks, they receive exactly 10 seconds to repair any damaged structural defenses, including the towers and houses. If they don't perform enough repairs, the raiders can destroy the defensive structures.
With each new wave and day, the game increases the number of ships that arrive at the shoreline and the number of raiders. That said, the game gives the player four special attacks over time as well.