Zoom-Be is the first installment in a fun, multiplayer, dungeon-crawl adventure platformer series. While riding their bikes home from school, two friends are taken by men in a van to a secret lab. The scientists at the lab turn them into zombies. The boys need help from one or two players to escape the building where the evil scientists and guards keep them prisoner.
The game offers 20 unique levels that require a player alone or with a friend to direct the zombie friends past obstacles on each level to reach an elevator that takes them to the next level. Both zombies possess unique abilities. The larger zombie has a powerful kick. He can kick in doors. He can also kick a small, medium or large wooden crate to destroy a door or knock out a guard. The smaller boy can jump higher and move faster than his friend.
Zoom-Be features a variety of obstacles, including wood doors blocking paths, button-controlled floating metal platforms, security guards, scientists and red-eye monsters. The player or players must overcome these and other obstacles and collect three stars per level. If they do well, they can unlock a bonus 21st level.