Red Ball Adventures is another side-scroller that features a happy red ball attempting to make its way in the world. The game features 14 levels and an endless mode. The player's goal is to help the red ball reach the end of its journey. They must direct it to bypass obstacles and traps. They also need to collect 30 coins per level.
The red ball starts its journey on a grassy landscape. The player must direct it to roll left or right. They also direct it to bounce into the air to collect coins, bounce up to reach higher areas on wooden crates, cliffs and other types of tiers, and bounce into the air high enough while rolling to fly over dangerous objects like metal spikes. They might also need to speed up its movement before an incline to make it fly over gaps between parts of the landscape.
Red Ball Adventures counts the coins near the top-left corner. If the player allows the ball to barely touch any dangerous object, the game forces them to restart the level.
It's important to note that the game features ads that can disrupt play. If this happens near a dangerous object or trap, the player might need to restart the level.