King Solitaire is a simulated version of a classic Klondike Solitaire card game with one unique difference. Instead of displaying the cards on a green baize tabletop, the game presents seven columns of layered cards and a draw pile hanging in front of a grass playfield on a hill below a cloudy blue sky. Each card features a central black or red suit icon (club, diamond, heart or spade), a letter or number at the upper-left corner, and a repetition of the suit at the upper-right corner.
The player transfers cards from the columns to four empty spaces in the foundation area to create ascending (A, 2, 3...), suit- and color-based piles (black or red builds with one suit per pile). The player creates each pile by rearranging cards within the columns based on a descending order of mixed colors and suits (K, Q, J... by alternating red and black with any suits). They also pull cards without a limit from the draw pile.
King Solitaire tracks the score, time and number of moves. If the player wins a game, it displays these details on a popup, along with a gold trophy and a congratulatory message.
It's important to note that the game doesn't offer an auto-complete tool. As a result, the player must manually drag every card, even if they have revealed the faces of all cards from the columns and draw pile.