Heroball Adventures is an unofficial continuation of the Red Ball side-scrolling adventure series that features a red ball exploring their world and defeating block-shaped and other types of enemies. In the opening sequence, enemy blocks kidnap the red ball's friends. The player directs the red ball to roll and bounce along a forested countryside path made of stone and earth platforms near water across 15 levels to find their missing friends.
The red ball receives three red hearts that represent their lives. The player must prevent the ball as much as possible from rolling or bouncing into deadly objects and traps, including pointy spikes, rotating blades and laser beams. Along the way, they also direct the heroball to push wooden crates into position to use as tiers, bounce upon floating and moving platforms, and unlock hydraulic doors.
Heroball Adventures is aptly named, given the red ball's mission. The player must also roll or bounce the ball through floating keys and stars. The keys unlock the wooden crates with metal bars that hold the ball's friends. When the ball saves a friend, the friend continues the journey with them on the same level until they reach a red-flag checkpoint. The player can use the stars to eventually unlock new characters.