Super Steve Adventure is a retro, pixelated arcade adventure platformer. Super Steve, while dressed in a black animal hoodie with movable ears and wearing a backpack, explores strange new magical worlds and finds adventures while running and jumping across floating stone, dirt, grass and other types of platforms.
The player helps Steve collect coins and avoid a wide range of obstacles and traps. For example, they need to direct Steve around metal spikes hidden in bushes and ground-level spikes designed to look like harmless stones. Gaps exist that drop Steve into deep ocean waters below the platforms. The player also helps Steve use a golden sword to fight monsters, including floating balloons and sliding mushrooms.
If the player does well, they progress to the next adventure-filled level. If they allow Steve to die, they're bumped back to either the beginning of the current level or more than one previous level.
Over time, Super Steve Adventure awards the player with enough coins to increase Steve's speed, jump strength and health. They receive free coins by watching ads as well.
The game also makes it possible for the player to stop Steve from dropping off the sides of platforms by providing invisible path extensions. These hidden platform areas give them extra space to help Steve jump from platform to platform without falling through a gap.