Elip Adventure, known commonly as Super Elip Adventure, is a two-dimensional platformer in which the player helps an anthropomorphic ellipse explore different locations to collect gold stars. The player's ultimate goal is to help the character unlock an elliptical-shaped house. The game offers two modes (Normal Mode and Grass Mode). Each mode offers 30 levels of play.
The player directs the character to perform common platformer movements. They can make it walk, jump and climb. In the latter case, the player literally flips the character's physical orientation. So, instead of the ellipse climbing a wall, its body reorients so that a wall becomes a floor. Once the player directs it to the top of the wall, they must flip it again.
The game directs the player to collect a specific number of stars per level. The player can track the number at the top center of the screen.
As with other platformers, Super Elip Adventure features many obstacles and threats. In Normal Mode, for example, the player initially deals with red spikes. In Grass Mode, they immediately face cushion-like round enemies that slide toward the character. If the player directs the ellipse into a threat, the character dies.