3D Darts is a three-dimensional first-person shooter sports game that simulates competitive dart-throwing games. The player's goal is to beat the game's AI by reaching a specific point level before it.
In the game's settings, the player sets the score goal (101, 301 and 501) and the colors and icons that represent them and the AI during a competition. They then wait for a playfield with a dartboard and a dart to appear on the screen. They receive up to three darts per turn.
The dartboard features 20 black-and-white sections, a mix of white numbers on a black ring on the outer edge, two rings (green-and-red double and triple rings), and two bullseyes (a green outer bullseye and a red inner bullseye).
The player receives the points displayed on the black outer ring when they hit any part of a corresponding section with a dart. They receive double and triple points if they hit one of the rings, respectively. Lastly, they receive 25 points for hitting the outer bullseye and 50 points for hitting the inner one.
3D Darts decreases the player's score goal with each throw of a dart. When they or the AI reach the end of their goal, it shows the final winning throw using zoomed-in slow motion. If the player and AI reach a tie, the game uses a flashing blue color to point out a section they need to hit to win.