Pok�mon Tower Defense is a pixelated tower-defense strategy fighting game based on the popular Japanese Pok�mon series of games and merchandise. The player's goal is to fight using the Pok�mon that they acquire on their journey and build a powerful Pok�mon team.
After the player adds a name to the game, Professor Oak at Oak's Lab, the first level of the game, explains to them what they need to do. He also allows them to select one of three Pok�mon to fight with in the various levels and areas of the game. The areas include Viridian Forest, Viridian Pond, Pewter City Entrance and Brook's Gym.
In the first level, the player must help the professor stop the wild Rattata Pok�mon from stealing his rare candy. The player uses the unique fighting skills of their Pok�mon to defeat the attacking Rattatas and capture at least one in a Pok� Ball to add to their team of Pok�mon.
Pok�mon Tower Defense gives the player detailed information about the strengths and weaknesses of the Pok�mon they might add to their team. It provides them with a team storage area and allows them to release any Pok�mon they no longer want on the team.