Clash of Hive is a world-domination game that features bee hives instead of nation-states. In it, a yellow bee queen breeds soldier bees inside a yellow hexagon-shaped area of land. The player helps the bees by strategically choosing nearby areas to attack to create new hives. The bees initially face off against purple hives. Over time, they face red, green and other colored hives.
The game displays the number of available soldiers in real time within the hexagons. In land areas without active queen bees breeding new fighters, the hexagons display a non-changing number. For the yellow bees to conquer an inactive land, the player must send one or more bees higher than the displayed number. In a land with an actively breeding queen, the number goes up rapidly. The player must pay close attention to prevent the accidental distribution of too few soldiers to an enemy's land.
Clash of Hive isn't difficult to win as long as the player quickly fills nearby enemy lands with their own queen bees to breed enough soldiers to overwhelm enemy hives. The task becomes trickier when facing off against two or more enemy queens and hives. The player's best chance is to take over inactive enemy lands first to create new yellow bee queens and hives.