Online games have become extremely popular within the last decade or two. From personal experience, I can recall looking on a window's computer for the basic first gen. games under the computers search bar. Let's just say the games of old can�t hold a stick to a game like Spotle. First off, the game is just flat out fun and entertaining. What�s more, the game�s greatest asset is the ability to keep players engaged! So many games offer only entertainment with little to no use of a player's mind. Spotle starts with a display similar to a giant tick-tack board. The goal lies in matching identical colors in order to earn points. Strategically, you�ll earn more points based on the number of combinations you're able to match. Players enjoy matching colors in a horizontal and vertical fashion. With a bit of practice, players are able to match a box of identical colors which earns even more points! Touching on player engagement, the clock starts as soon as you make your first move. Players have the ability to pair two colors, a trio, and a literal box, four colors of the same suit. Awareness and quick thinking are assets while playing. These skills can be harnessed and worked on subconsciously just by participating. To make a long story short, give Spotle a �shot�. As you race against the clock you'll quickly conclude this unique game is not something you play just once.