Wormo.io is a snake-style, battle-arena game that adds a shooter element to the fight. A player's primary goals are to feed and grow their worm and prevent it from dying.
The player starts out with a small worm that they customize on the home screen with a name, main color, stripe color and country or general flag. Unlike the majority of these types of games, the player doesn't have to pay with in-game coins or real-world money to perform customizations.
The game then takes them immediately to a gray-and-blue, honeycomb-background arena where glowing balls float in the air. As the player directs their worm around the arena, the worm automatically draws the balls to it. It can shoot the balls from its mouth and slither fast in short bursts. Over time, the worm grows longer and fatter. As it grows, its movement slows down. That said, it can go further distances faster. It can also shoot larger glowing balls.
Wormo.io acts like other slither-snake games in terms of obstacles. If the player navigates their worm into a larger one or slithers away from the arena into a shadow zone, the worm dies.