Words Detective: Bank Heist takes the gameplay of classic, word-scramble puzzles to the next level by offering a complex story arc in a comic book format. The player's primary goal is to unscramble letters to create words related to a bank heist story. Every time the player correctly guesses a word, the game reveals a panel in a comic book that shows events related to the heist.
The game presents the player with blank, gray comic panels. After the player selects a panel, the game presents them with scrambled letter tiles and blank lines representing the spaces for each letter of the unknown word. The player doesn't use all the available letter tiles. They merely need to find the right combination of tiles to complete a word.
If the player gets any letters wrong, the game reveals the correct and incorrect tiles. When they position a tile correctly, the tile turns green on the next turn. If a tile turns blue, it's a needed tile in the wrong position on the lines. They shouldn't use the white tiles at all.
Words Detective: Bank Heist offers a hint tool as well that reveals the letters needed in sequence each time the player uses it. That said, the player must wait for the yellow button to recharge before they can use it again.