What a Leg is an arts-and-crafts racing game that requires the player draw two legs on their avatar runner. The game presents a legless runner at the start of an obstacle course that features a wide range of obstacles, including rotating rectangular blocks and cylinders, swinging blades, low and high platforms, mud and dirt piles, paddle wheels and giant fans. The player must draw a line inside a black, vertical, rectangular box to create two legs for the runner.
The game offers one-player and two-player modes. In one-player mode, the player's avatar runs alone or competes against others from around the world. The player draws only one pair of legs and then new legs as required based on new obstacles and situations. If they compete against global players, they perform in multiple elimination rounds. In two-player mode, the player can compete against a friend or someone they know in a private competition. Both players must draw three pairs of legs per avatar. When their avatar runs automatically, they use the controls to switch to the pair of legs most appropriate for specific obstacles.
What a Leg rewards the player or players with cash that they can use to upgrade speed and income. Their avatar runs through floating golden coins. They can improve speed and other running capabilities as well by simply drawing the best leg lengths and shapes.