Twisted Rope is a logic puzzle sorting game. Across levels in an open area near a grass lawn or meadow, the player rearranges colored pieces of rope attached to plugs via round holes on a 4x6 board.
The board has two or more twisted pieces of rope. On some levels, the colors differ drastically, which makes it easier for the player to untwist the pieces. On other levels, the colors differ slightly, which makes it harder.
To untwist the rope pieces, the player must select a plug at the end of a piece and drag it to a new empty circular spot on the board. They untwist the rope by moving a one piece across the top of a bottom one. The game might require that they perform this action more than once to completely untangle the pieces.
When the player straightens a piece in a line with two or more holes separating the plugs, the game pulls out plug, and drags the entire piece into the opposite hole until it disappears from the board.
Twisted Rope rewards the player with stars and a blast of confetti. They can then access the next level.